Texmaker is a text editor specifically intended to create LaTeX documents, a composition system that creates printed documents looking exactly the same independently of the machine used. Consequently, the program inherits all the advantages of this powerful system commonly used for scientific writing and professional publishing.
Probably due to the complexities inherent to LaTeX, the program’s interface does not look very similar to those of other text editors used mainly at the office. Thus, instead of a single document WYSIWYG preview, you can have various side-by-side panels that show its source, structure, messages and a PDF preview simultaneously. Moreover, despite the excellent accompanying documentation, I would not recommend this editor to the common user.
The best way to start a document is by using the “Quick Start” wizard, which allows you to configure the specificities of the document. This way, you can pick one of the available document classes that include article, report, letter, book, and beamer. Next, you can set page format, standard font, paper size, and encoding type. It is also possible to choose one of the available languages or even decide to use the Babel package, which supports using various languages in a single document. Another possible way is to use a sort of templates that let you start very specific types of document, such as letters and beamer presentations. more
Excel Timesheet Template Software will create an Excel time sheet for employees.